【演講】112.01.13 (週五) Artificial Intelligence工作坊-2
【時間】2023/1/13 (週五) 10:00-11:30
【地點】臺灣大學公衛大樓 215教室
*曾建城 教授 (George C. Tseng)
- Professor and Vice Chair for Research, Department of Biostatistics/Human Genetics/Computational & Systems Biology, University of Pittsburgh
- 研究專長:Statistical machine learning, data integration, and high-dimensional issues in omics and biomedical data
- 演講主題:A molecular congruence analysis framework for evaluating model organisms
*邱鈺喬 助理教授 (Yu-Chiao Chiu)
- 美國匹茲堡大學醫學系與癌症中心 (Department of Medicine and UPMC Hillman Cancer Center, University of Pittsburgh)
- 研究專長:癌症生物資訊學、深度學習、藥物基因體學 (Cancer Bioinformatics, Deep Learning, Pharmacogenomics)
- 演講主題: Deep learning for predicting the response to chemical and genetic perturbations of cancer